Monday 16 December 2013

Fact: NOTHING can prepare you for becoming a parent.

Fact: NOTHING can prepare you for becoming a parent.

So, you're pregnant, excited about bringing a new life into the world and starting that family that you have always dreamed of. You look at your friends who are already parents and they might look a little tired now and then but generally seem to have happy and healthy children. They're excited for you when you share your news (mostly, I realise now, because another of their friends is joining that secret 'parent club' of people who 'understand') but this is usually followed by comments such as 'It's hard work but worth every minute', 'I couldn't imagine my life without them now' and most helpfully, 'Nothing can prepare for you it.'

Those parents are totally, 100% right but if you're anything like me you didn't hear the desperation in their voice, trying to make you understand. Really understand. 'How hard can it be?' I thought. Yes, I know I'll hardly get any sleep and babies cry now and then but it's only temporary. People do it all the time and I'm in a good position with a supportive husband and family nearby. It'll be fine. I've got all the equipment. I've spent hours agonising over which pushchair and car seat to buy, I've got the Moses basket so my baby can peacefully sleep by my bedside for 6 months, I don't need a steriliser or bottles because I'll be breastfeeding, I've attended expensive antenatal classes which have told me all I need to know and I've done pregnancy yoga so my natural water birth will be a breeze!

What on earth made me think that these trivial things would ever prepare me for parenthood?!

Only once you've had a baby can you fully understand how NOTHING can prepare you for it.

The following posts are my thoughts and feelings about what it is like to become a parent. Don't think that I am in any way ungrateful for my situation. I realise completely how incredibly lucky I am to have given birth to two healthy children and am very grateful for this. However, that does not mean that it is easy!